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Windows 8 RC Aero for windows 7 aero themes

Posted by thepanda-x on 2012-05-30 20:24 Published / Views Click

Tag: Windows 8 aero themes
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free Windows 8 RC Aero for windows 7 aero themes download
by  thepanda-x

Added .theme file and wallpaper.


Aero in Windows 8 RC ported to Windows 7.

This is more or less a direct port, only the things changed in 8's Aero have been changed, I haven't improvised missing parts or old images.

For 64-bit users:

ExplorerFrame x64 goes in System32
ExplorerFrame x86 goes in SysWOW64

For 32-bit users:

ExplorerFrame x86 goes in System32

i hope you like it.

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